Anyway... today I just wanted to share a quick post about a child I've been working with who has Autism. At the beginning of the year he had a large list of inappropriate behaviors, a sad home life and of course big issues with expressing himself. He is currently in the summer school program I am teaching and I can not help but notice the huge amount of progress he made over the year! Sometimes when you see a child all the time and even though you track their progress you don't actually realize how far they have come.
He began the year, biting, kicking, yelling, screaming, punching, spitting,scratching and more! After the first few tantrums I really questioned if I could make it through the year. But, I knew that if I didn't work my hardest to help him then no one else would. So... my aide and I planned and planned and planned. We developed multiple failed behavior plans and systems and after a couple weeks of no progress we refined what we did and tried again. Months went by and slowly things changed. It was really until today, June 27th, 2013 that I have realized that every one of those major behaviors has been extinguished and that we haven't had a major incident in over 3 months! It went from an episode almost every other day to maybe an incident once a month! I can't believe the progress he has made and I am so thankful that he is such a happy, friendly kid now!
It is amazing because over the year not only did his behaviors improved but his social skills and speech skills have dramatically improved as well. He holds small conversations with friends and adults, he tells stories, he laughs and he is excited to be at school. He is smarter, more social and such a joy to be around!
I guess in the end I feel that it is so important for people to realize that in the midst of disaster, trials and tribulations there is always hope and with hard work, prayer and dedication things can and will change for the better!
Never give up!